Recensioni Elo Boosters | Elo Boosting Service - Feedback Verificato

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Recensione in Primo Piano Omar overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
Silver IV
Silver I

Very fast and efficient

Elo Boosters Team

Lovely review, thanks :)

Recensione in Primo Piano SUPER YI overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
10 games

Muy bueno, durante todas las partidas me sentí muy cómodo, sentí que estaba jugando con mi mejor amigo xD, es una gran persona y nos reíamos juntos xD , con ningún otro booster me había sentido tan bien , otros son muy secos, serios y ni te dicen hola, pero el es como si fuera tu gran amigo y te hace sentir bien durante todas las partidas

Elo Boosters Team

Thank you! Fast and efficient boosts are our duty!

Recensione in Primo Piano g money overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
Gold III
Gold II


Elo Boosters Team

Was a pleasure to work with you!

Recensione in Primo Piano Yggdrasil overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
Gold II
Platinum IV

Did what was asked in the expected time.

Elo Boosters Team

Enjoy your account friend! Always happy to boost for you!

Recensione in Primo Piano MidnightsHyper overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
Platinum IV
Platinum II

Always comes in clutch with his Irelia.

Elo Boosters Team

Thank you for awesome review! :)