Elo Boosters Jobs - Become a LoL Booster on our Service

Become Elo Booster!

We are always looking for brilliant players, who can become an integral part of our boosting team. You can leave your application via this page.

Elo Booster Position Requirements

Regular position in the roster:

  • Ability to proof ownage of Diamond 1+ account
  • Ability to boost 8 hours per day while you are in order
  • Mental balance: Flame on customer’s account is bannable
  • Following our rules (they are logical and simple)

Junior position in the roster:

  • Ability to proof ownage of Diamond 4+ account
  • Ability to boost 8 hours per day while you are in order
  • Mental balance: Flame on customer’s account is bannable
  • Following our booster rules (they are logical and simple)
  • The payout is lower in 20%

Junior Manager position:

  • You can help with the administration of our website, though you should become trusted first.
  • Extra payout and privileges.


  • Find the way to attract the customers to our service
  • Please fill a form for any advertising offers.

If you believe that you really are a good fit according to our requirements, please use the form:

Regular position in the roster:

  • Ability to proof ownage of Diamond 1+ account
  • Ability to boost 8 hours per day while you are in order
  • Mental balance: Flame on customer’s account is bannable
  • Following our rules (they are logical and simple)

Junior position in the roster:

  • Ability to proof ownage of Diamond 4+ account
  • Ability to boost 8 hours per day while you are in order
  • Mental balance: Flame on customer’s account is bannable
  • Following our booster rules (they are logical and simple)
  • The payout is lower in 20%

Junior Manager position:

  • You can help with the administration of our website, though you should become trusted first.
  • Extra payout and privileges.


  • Find the way to attract the customers to our service
  • Please fill a form for any advertising offers.

We've received your request! During the next hiring period, we will consider you on the position in our roster. In case of positive decision, we will contact you.


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