Elo Boosters Reviews - Elo Boosting Service - Verified Feedback

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Featured Review Abstract overwatch confirmed review Verified Review
Platinum III
Platinum II

played well, completed within a good amount of time, communicated well, played my champs requested. Only reason why I didn't give 5 stars is because they played some champs that I didn't request. So it would be like my first time lucian in ranked yet I went 16/5 so that's weird

Elo Boosters Team

We are sorry that booster picked a champ you didn't request. Цe will consider your order in detail.

Featured Review Nakovalny overwatch confirmed review Verified Review
Bronze I
Silver IV

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Featured Review DarkMus14 overwatch confirmed review Verified Review
Gold IV
Gold III

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Featured Review serænity overwatch confirmed review Verified Review
Silver I
Gold IV

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Featured Review Abaker2122 overwatch confirmed review Verified Review
7 games

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